Extracurricular Activity: Quality over Quantity
In addition to your GPA and admission test scores, colleges would like to know about your interests outside the classroom. When it comes to extracurricular activities, college admissions experts advise you to think about quality over quantity. It’s better to show commitment and growth in few meaningful areas than it is to pad your resume with a large number of disconnected activities. Pick an area that you’re passionate about: athletics, music, art, science, math, linguistics, or perhaps chess. As you progress through your high school career, look for ways that you can demonstrate progress and leadership in your selected area. Many schools have organized clubs or teams through which you can pursue your interests, and there may be camps or competitions to challenge you and sharpen your skills. What if there’s no club for your interest? Start your own club, competition, or social network – colleges will be impressed with your initiative! Whatever it is, pursue your passion with creativity and intent. For more ideas, see this article: “What College Admissions Offices Look for in Extracurricular Activities” by Marjorie Hansen Shaevitz.